I LOVE GOOGLE!!! I am very familiar with Google Calendar and Google Translate. I've been using Google calendar for about a year now. I have it synced with my phone, so I have all my tests, assignments, and important dates all logged and with different colors for work, school, and other. Google already puts national holidays. To the right, this is my calendar! When you create an event you can put the location, the duration, time, and you can choose what category it goes in and the color. This is such a useful tool for a busy student. Then when I become a teacher I can use it for organizing classes, assignments, and projects.
The second Google tool I use quite frequently is Google Translate! I am in Spanish class, and if I get really stumped on a word or phrase I can use Google Translate. This will be really helpful in the classroom, especially if get an ESL student or a student that does not speak English at all. Google Translate is not perfect, no online translation is. It gives you the basic meaning and sometimes it will mess up the verbs. I love how you can choose from all the different languages. This is great tool!
I have heard a lot about Google Translate and have used it a bit before, but I had always wondered if it was accurate. Thanks for your post promoting it. Now I will feel more confident when I use it with my ESL and ELL students and their parents in my future career!